
A comprehensive AIOps platform that helps apparel brands and retailers predict demand, plan inventory, and monetize excess stock.


Ever-changing customer preferences, seasonal trends, and unpredictable market shifts.

Overproduction leads to waste and markdowns, while underproduction causes missed sales and customer dissatisfaction.

Without accurate insights, businesses struggle to balance inventory, optimize resources, and meet sustainability goals.

  • How and where is my clothing worn?

    What should I produce, and in what quantities?

  • Who wears my clothes, and to what occasions?

    How should I allocate inventory across geographies?

    What should I re-order?

  • Where is demand today, where is it growing?

    Where should I target sales?

    What should I change about my products?

  • How long do my products last?

    What goes wrong with my products, and which SKUs are most affected?


We’re revolutionizing the clothing industry by combining sustainable clothing rental services with cutting-edge data analytics.

Our platform not only provides customers with convenient, high-quality wardrobe solutions but also empowers manufacturers, retailers, and brands with actionable insights into emerging trends.


“We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done.”


Hyde starts by monetizing excess inventory held by retailers and brands today, gathering native data, which we use to predict future demand, and plan inventory going forward.

By helping businesses anticipate customer needs, we enable smarter planning, reduced waste, and a more sustainable future for fashion.

  • Reduced excess inventory

    Higher MSRP conversion

  • New customers

    Lower CAC

    Reduced logistics spend

  • Longer lasting items

    SKU rationalization

    Realtime feedback before launch

Hyde Predict

Predict demand and shifts in demand for apparel inventory.

  • Native data paring consumer context, in-use, and post-use insights

  • High fidelity tagged native data

  • Generating synthetic data to preserve privacy and train ML model

Hyde Plan

Plan inventory, logistics, physical footprint, and marketing spend.

  • Recommendation Agent (RA) built on our native data sets

  • Geographic and demographic demand insights

  • Competitive insights


  • Access to new markets approached contextually

  • 40-60% higher revenue on excess stock sale

  • 9x increase in conversion on acquired customers

  • $0 CAC

Monetize your excess inventory at higher ROI versus status quo

Where fashion meets foresight

Learn how you can monetize your excess inventory, acquire customers, predict demand, and measure sustainability.

partner with Hyde.

Priority to retailers, brands and ERP solution providers.